Holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC, characterized by a proactive, curious, and innovative approach. Displays a constant drive for knowledge and a penchant for technology-driven solutions, with academic proficiency in C, JAVA, PHP, Android Studio, and SQL.
Commenced professional career in 2012 with PHP development at the State University of Santa Cruz, contributing to the creation of the website for postgraduate studies and implementing updates for Moodle EAD UESC, including back-end procedures, CRUD in MySQL, data modeling, documentation creation, and teachers' manual production.
In 2014, transitioned to Delphi and PHP development for public management software projects such as payroll systems, asset control, receipts, protocols, and fleet management. This role included report generation using Rave Report, data modeling, and managing and migrating databases in Firebird and SQL.
Since 2016, has operated as a Freelance Systems Analyst, providing consultancy services for software project requirements analysis, data modeling, and the development of Web software for sales control and inventory management using C# .NET, along with aiding in database management with MySQL and SQL Server.
Currently functions as a System Analyst/Developer, specializing in C#, .NET, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and SQL. Focuses on supporting and developing new systems for the internal management of the Court of Justice São Paulo - SP.