An innovative professional with extensive technical expertise in applying knowledge within business contexts. Skills in the Big Data stack include Apache Kafka, Apache Camel, Apache Storm, Elastic Search/Kibana, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache HBase, and HDFS. Development proficiencies encompass Java, Node.js, and Angular, with back-end expertise in J2EE frameworks such as Spring Boot, WebServices (REST, Axis, EJB2 and EJB3), Hibernate, JPA and Spring Data, Redis, Hystrix, and TDD. Front-end competencies include advanced Angular (5+), JSF, and JSP. Experience with server applications includes Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic, and JBoss EAP, along with application orchestration in Openshift and Kubernetes. Adept in Agile methodologies, DevOps for continuous integration (CI/CD), and tools such as Jenkins, Sonar, Rundeck, GIT, and Cloudbees. Database knowledge spans MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and NoSQL (Mongo). Service experience includes notable clients in diverse sectors.