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Albert A.
Mobile Engineer - iOS


Software Developer with over 13 years of experience in Java Web development, proficient in technologies such as Java 7-9, Spring Framework, JSF, PrimeFaces, Hibernate, JPA, EJB, CDI, WildFly, and Tomcat. Over 9 years of experience in Android development utilizing Java and Kotlin, demonstrating proficiency with Android Studio, Dagger, Retrofit, MVP model programming, and Firebase (Core, Messaging, Auth), as well as SQLite and Room. More than 8 years of expertise in iOS development using Swift 4.2/5 with tools like X-Code 10, Alamofire 5, and RealmSwift for effective mobile app creation. Possesses over 3 years of experience with Flutter, including Bloc, Flutter Modular, Mobx, and Clean Architecture for cross-platform development. Well-versed in MicroServices architecture, specifically with SpringBoot, and experienced across various databases including Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, showcasing a comprehensive skill set suitable for diverse software development projects.

  • Senior Flutter Developer
    8/1/2022 - Present

    Worked in the My Account squad to develop an application utilizing tools such as VSCode, Clean Architecture, and MobX. Leveraged Flutter Modular for structured and scalable code development, and Figma for UI/UX design collaboration. Ensured effective version control and collaborative development using Git and GitFlow. Followed Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum, for project management and continuous improvement.

  • Senior Flutter Developer
    2/1/2022 - 8/1/2022

    Developed proficiency in Flutter with a focus on architecture, MobX, and Flutter Modular. Utilized tools such as Figma for design, and managed codebases using Git and GitFlow. Engaged in Agile development practices through Scrum. Initially contributed to the Pre-Registration module in the Corporate App as part of the Onboarding squad before transitioning to the Individual App, where responsibilities included bug fixes and implementing new features.

  • IT Projects Consultant II
    10/1/2021 - 2/1/2022

    Achieved proficiency in iOS development utilizing Xcode 12 and Swift 5 within the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. Excelled in user interface design using Storyboard. Employed Moya and Alamofire for network abstraction and handling, and integrated Firebase for backend services including real-time database, authentication, and analytics. Gained experience in project management and issue tracking with Jira, and ensured robust code version control and collaborative workflows using Git and GitFlow.

  • Senior Mobile Developer
    10/1/2020 - 9/1/2021

    Successfully acquired expertise in iOS development using X-Code 12, Swift 5, MVVM architecture, and View Code. Utilized networking libraries such as Alamofire and backend services like Firebase. Streamlined continuous integration and delivery through tools including Fastlane, Bitrise, and Buck, as well as Easy-CLI for automation. Conducted advanced app analytics and monitoring using various analytics tools and AppCenter. Facilitated multi-platform development with Flutter, implementing Mobx for state management, Flutter Modular for modularization, and Clean Architecture principles. Employed agile methodologies with Jira and Confluence for project management. Ensured efficient version control and collaborative development using Git and GitFlow.

  • Technical Support Analyst
    2/2/2009 - 1/2/2010

    Provided comprehensive technical support for employees, ensuring smooth operations across a wide range of IT-related issues. Developed expertise in computer maintenance and troubleshooting, efficiently diagnosing and resolving hardware and software problems. Utilized VNC for remote web support, allowing for prompt problem resolution and minimizing downtime. Acquired skills in managing and maintaining various operating systems and software applications. Demonstrated strong analytical abilities in solving everyday technical problems, enhancing productivity and user satisfaction through effective support services.

  • Developer Analyst
    9/2/2018 - 4/1/2020

    Developed expertise in building and enhancing applications for healthcare professionals. Created the Doctors App, facilitating access to patient information such as Clinical Summary, Vital Signs, Prescriptions, Allergies, Imaging Exams, and Additional Exams. Integrated features for Individual/Group Chat among healthcare professionals for record sharing and schedule management, leveraging information from the internal system TASY. The first version of the app was developed natively on the Android platform, followed by a cross-platform version using Flutter for Android/iOS.

    Contributed to the Patients App by implementing authentication via phone number, enabling first access with personal data registration, and providing access to consultations and exams scheduling. The application was developed using Flutter.

    Designed the Doctor Call App to assist in locating doctors within institutions for emergencies and urgent cases, with separate applications for nurses (Android) and doctors (native iOS). Worked on microservices architecture using SpringBoot.

    For the mobile front-end development, utilized Native Android tools such as Visual Studio, Java, MVP pattern, Dagger, Retrofit, and Firebase. Harnessed Visual Code, Flutter, Dart, Bloc Pattern, and Firebase for cross-platform Android/iOS development.

    For backend development, employed Sprint-Tools, Java, Eureka, Sprint-data, and Oracle, showcasing proficiency in creating robust, scalable solutions for healthcare applications.

  • Senior Developer
    2/2/2018 - 10/1/2018

    Gained expertise in developing web applications utilizing Java within Eclipse IDE. Demonstrated advanced skills in JSP for dynamic web page creation and utilized the Mentawai framework to streamline web application development. Deployed applications on Tomcat and JBoss-EAP servers, ensuring robust and scalable performance. Created custom reports using Ireport, and managed source code with SVN for version control. Managed databases, efficiently using Oracle and SQL Server to handle complex queries and data management tasks. Developed and integrated web services to enhance application functionality and employed the Spring framework for building enterprise-level applications. Additionally, developed hybrid mobile applications using Ionic, improving cross-platform compatibility and user experience.

  • Senior Developer
    7/2/2017 - 8/2/2018

    Developed web applications leveraging Java technologies, including JSF, PrimeFaces, Spring, and Eclipse. Harnessed proficiency in Hibernate and JPA for ORM solutions and utilized Web Services for integrating various systems. Incorporated reporting functionalities via IReport and maintained version control through Git. Coordinated project tasks using Trello and employed PostgreSQL for database management, with deployment on WildFly server.

    Advanced skills in Android development using Android Studio and Gradle, implemented local storage with SQLite, and facilitated network operations through WebService and Retrofit 2. Employed Dagger for dependency injection and RestTemplate for REST operations, handling data in JSON format.

    iOS development experience involved using X-Code and Swift (versions 3 and 4.1) for building and maintaining iOS applications.

  • Software Developer
    8/2/2014 - 7/2/2017

    Developed proficiency in Java, including expertise in JSF, PrimeFaces, JSP, and Spring frameworks. Gained extensive experience with VRaptor, Sql Server, Eclipse, Hibernate, and JPA for robust web application development. Leveraged web services and worked with Tomcat and JBoss-AS servers, while integrating Ireport for reporting functionalities. Maintained high standards of code versioning and collaboration using Git and Tortoise, and managed project workflows effectively with Trello.

    Expanded technical expertise in Android development through the use of Android Studio, SQLite, WebServices, Dagger, and RESTful APIs, with a focus on integration with JSON data formats. Advanced proficiency in iOS development was developed using Xcode and Swift 3, ensuring the creation of efficient and user-friendly mobile applications.

  • Software Developer DS2
    3/2/2013 - 4/2/2014

    Gained expertise in developing web systems using Java, with hands-on experience in frameworks such as Mentawai and VRaptor. Demonstrated strong database skills using Oracle and proficiency with tools such as SqlDeveloper for database management. Effectively utilized version control systems Tortoise and Mercurial, while managing project workflows with Redmine. Developed a solid understanding of software design through the use of Enterprise Architect for modeling. Worked extensively with Eclipse for development, employing Hibernate and JPA for data access. Used JSF and PrimeFaces for building web interfaces, JSP for server-side scripting, and managed deployment processes on application servers like JBoss-AS and Tomcat. Created complex reports using Ireport.

  • Mid-Level Developer Analyst II
    4/2/2012 - 2/2/2013

    Gained extensive experience in the analysis and development of web systems utilizing Java technologies. Showcased proficiency with frameworks such as JBoss-Seam, JSF, Prime-Faces, and Rich-Faces. Developed expertise in data persistence using Hibernate and JPA, and mastered backend services with EJB. Demonstrated adeptness with JBoss-AS for application server management and MySQL for database solutions. Enhanced reporting capabilities through the design and implementation of IReport/JasperReport reports. Ensured effective version control and team collaboration using Tortoise SVN.

  • Developer Analyst
    1/2/2011 - 1/2/2012

    Developed proficiency in analysis and development of web systems utilizing Java, with extensive experience in JBoss-Seam, JSF, PrimeFaces, and RichFaces frameworks. Enhanced application performance and maintainability using Hibernate, JPA, and EJB. Deployed and managed applications on JBoss-AS, ensuring robust operational support. Demonstrated strong database management skills with MySQL. Created comprehensive reports using IReport/JasperReport. Ensured collaborative development and effective version control through the use of Tortoise SVN.

  • Developer Analyst
    2/2/2010 - 1/2/2011

    Focused on the analysis and development of web systems employing .NET technologies, specifically VB and C#. Utilized Visual Studio for integrated development environment needs and maintained version control with Visual SourceSafe. Leveraged the capabilities of SqlServer for robust database management and ASPX for dynamic web page development.

  • Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems at Ceuma University
    2013 - 2018

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