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Breno M.
Mobile Engineer - Android

  • Android Engineer
    12/1/2021 - 5/1/2023

    Enhanced technical expertise in Android development, focusing on the creation and optimization of a mobility and delivery application. Developed advanced proficiency in Java and Kotlin, leveraging Android SDK to build robust and scalable mobile applications. Utilized various frameworks such as Retrofit for efficient API calls and Room for database management. Worked extensively with Android Jetpack components including LiveData and ViewModel to ensure a responsive and maintainable user interface. Employed continuous integration and deployment practices through Jenkins and utilized Git for version control. Demonstrated skills in troubleshooting and performance optimization using Android Studio's profiling tools. Played a key role in user experience improvement by implementing Material Design principles and custom views. Contributed to code quality and project management using tools like Jira and collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams in Agile environments.

  • Android Engineer
    4/1/2021 - 12/1/2021

    Developed advanced proficiency in Android development using Java and Kotlin, focusing on building applications for a benefits project. Utilized Android Studio as the primary Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to streamline the development process. Created robust user interfaces leveraging XML and Jetpack Compose to enhance the user experience. Integrated third-party APIs and custom libraries to extend functionality, emphasizing seamless user interactions and data synchronization. Implemented various Android SDK components such as Activities, Fragments, Services, and Broadcast Receivers to establish responsive and efficient application architecture.

    Demonstrated expertise in Firebase for backend services, including real-time database management, authentication, and cloud messaging. Employed Retrofit and OkHttp for efficient networking operations and RESTful API communication. Applied principles of MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture to maintain code modularity and ease of testing. Enforced thorough code reviews and version control using Git, ensuring consistent code quality and collaborative development.

    Carried out in-depth debugging and performance optimization using tools like Android Profiler and LeakCanary to identify and rectify memory leaks and inefficiencies. Emphasized writing unit and instrumentation tests with JUnit, Espresso, and Mockito to guarantee high reliability and smooth application functionality. Leveraged Crashlytics for real-time crash reporting and monitoring, facilitating prompt issue resolution and continuous improvement of application stability.

    Successfully contributed to the full software development lifecycle, from conceptualization and design to deployment and post-launch support, ensuring the delivery of a high-quality benefits application.

  • Developer
    2/1/2020 - 3/1/2021

    Gained expertise in multiple areas, including data engineering and front-end development with React, with a primary focus on Android development. Developed technical skills in Java and Kotlin for Android applications, using architecture components like LiveData, ViewModel, Room, and Hilt for dependency injection. Acquired knowledge in using tools and frameworks such as Firebase for backend integration, Retrofit for network operations, and Picasso for image loading. Showcased proficiency in version control systems like Git, and participated in agile development processes, including Scrum and Kanban methodologies. Engaged in extensive unit and UI testing with JUnit and Espresso, ensuring high-quality, robust applications.

  • Developer
    11/1/2019 - 1/1/2020

    Gained hands-on experience working on the front-end of a key data project. Developed proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, utilizing frameworks such as React and Angular to build responsive and interactive user interfaces. Leveraged REST APIs and AJAX for dynamic data fetching and rendering. Employed testing tools like Jasmine and Jest to ensure robust application performance. Collaborated effectively with a team using version control systems like Git and project management tools such as Jira. Strengthened understanding of data visualization libraries like D3.js to present complex data in an accessible format. Enhanced skills in cross-browser compatibility and performance optimization techniques.

  • Information Systems at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais
    2019 - 2023

  • React: Function Components, A Modern Approach at Alura

  • React: Hooks, Contexts, and Best Practices at Alura

  • Understanding How the Library Works at Alura

  • React: Component Lifecycle at Alura

  • JavaScript: Programming Object Orientation at Alura

  • JavaScript: Interfaces and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming at Alura

  • JS on the Web: Creating a SPA with Pure JavaScript at Alura

  • React JS Training at Alura

  • Fetch API: Consuming a REST API with JavaScript at Alura

  • Python 3: Introduction to Object Orientation at Alura Cursos Online

  • Python 3: Advancing in the Language at Alura Cursos Online

  • Design Patterns Python I: Good Programming Practices at Alura Cursos Online

Breno is available for hire

Meet Breno M.
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