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Bruno L.
Principal Engineer

Amazon Aws
Google Cloud
Docker Cloud
  • Senior Software Engineer
    5/1/2020 - 12/1/2023

    Served as a Full Stack Developer within the e-commerce sector, specifically on a major marketplace platform. Contributed significantly across several areas, exhibiting strong technical expertise and a variety of skills in modern development frameworks and tools.

    Assisted in creating APIs for product updates using Laravel, while re-engineering third-party database integration processes. Leveraged Node.js and AWS Lambda to reduce server costs effectively. Collaborated on developing a CRM using the Serverless framework and Node.js as part of the shopper team. Implemented Graylog for system logs, replacing third-party services and conserving resources, also integrating Graylog into a monolithic Laravel application.

    Led the update from Laravel 5.4 to 5.8, significantly enhancing the application's performance and optimizing queries with efficient use of the query builder and eager loading concepts. Developed a React dashboard for the back-office team to integrate modules separately, adopting the concept of micro-frontends. Created numerous modules for the new administrative panel in React, transforming a portion into microservices.

    Involved in the creation of more than eight microservices in Go, including an order monitoring microservice with websocket for real-time dashboard updates, a work schedule management microservice, a GraphQL API for store theme customization, and several high-performance BFFs with query string-based caching. Continues to apply and expand technical skills to develop innovative solutions as a Senior Software Engineer.

  • Full-Stack Web Developer
    9/2/2017 - 3/1/2020

    Gained extensive experience at a small software house (fewer than 8 employees), enabling participation in various projects predominantly utilizing PHP and Laravel. Spearheaded the development of a new version of an event platform through integrating a third-party ticketing service, leveraging Laravel for backend development and Vue.js for the frontend. This contribution resulted in improved usability, enhanced performance, and expanded functionalities for users.

    Assumed technical leadership in the creation of a SaaS platform dedicated to marketing and lead acquisition, handling both the backend and frontend with Laravel and Vue.js, respectively. This platform featured comprehensive tools for lead management and analysis, integration with multiple marketing channels, and the provision of interactive dashboards to monitor metrics and KPIs.

    Applied industry best practices in software development and design, including object-oriented programming, MVC architecture, and design patterns. Demonstrated expertise in unit and integration testing, and employed DevOps practices alongside agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban for efficient project management and delivery.

  • Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree at Udacity
    2017 - 2017

  • Computer Science at IBTA College
    2014 - 2018

  • Bootcamp Ruby on Rails at One Bit Code
    2017 - 2017

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