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Davi A.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Ruby On Rails

Back-end developer with eleven years of experience in creating advanced software solutions, recently utilizing Elixir on Phoenix for fleet and logistics management. Extensive background includes crafting fintech solutions with Ruby on Rails and Elixir on Phoenix, in addition to implementing digital admission systems using Elixir. Demonstrates proficiency in Python, particularly for engineering-based physical simulations. Over four years of experience in delivering Internet of Things solutions to a substantial network of condominiums across Latin America. Holds a technical degree in Electronics and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

  • Mid-Level Developer
    12/1/2022 - 2/1/2023

    Developed expertise in fleet management event generation using Elixir within a Monolith architecture. Successfully executed bug fixes in both Elixir and Javascript, covering Frontend and Backend issues. Led the migration of a travel system from Backend Javascript (Node.js) to Elixir, enhancing efficiency and performance. Created the backend for a new digital checklist product focused on vehicle management, integrating complex workflows.

    Leveraged columnar databases and data warehouses (Clickhouse) with Elixir for advanced data analysis. Handled database migrations from PostgreSQL, consolidating multiple monolith applications into a unified system. Demonstrated proficiency in Clustering within Elixir, contributed to projects using Phoenix Live View and WebRTC for real-time applications.

    Developed and optimized modules with ETS (Erlang Term Storage) for concurrent operations, competing effectively with Redis. Contributed to the open-source community by creating content and video lessons on platforms like YouTube, and by producing exercises on Exercism. Provided valuable technical documentation on best practices for code queries, optimizations, and logs.

    Implemented and maintained a robust observability stack with Prometheus, Loki, and Grafana, and utilized New Relic for in-depth application observability. Operated infrastructure management and staging projects using AWS managed machines, Terraform, and Docker for container orchestration. Used Lens for enhanced infrastructure observability, ensuring seamless monitoring and maintenance of applications. Facilitated the adoption and integration of Elixir within the team through content contributions and evangelizing its use.

  • Mid-Level Developer
    7/1/2021 - 11/1/2022

    Specialized in minor and major bug fixes, showcasing adept problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Played a pivotal role in roadmap development, ensuring clear project direction and milestones. Developed proficiency in PHP, Doctrine, and Silex, while also performing extensive work on Ext JS 4.2, NodeJS, and Vue.js. Demonstrated strong capabilities in managing databases with PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Collaboratively maintained code using SVN and Git, ensuring version control and efficient workflow.

  • Software Developer (Backend/Mid-level/Remote)
    9/2/2019 - 5/2/2021

    Specialized in backend engineering within the customer attraction, onboarding, referral, and access domains. Developed advanced proficiency in PHP and NodeJS, leveraging frameworks such as Express.js and Laravel to create efficient and scalable backend solutions. Employed PostgreSQL and MySQL databases to ensure robust data storage and retrieval systems. Utilized Redis for caching to optimize performance and response times. Implemented RESTful APIs and contributed to microservices architecture to facilitate seamless integrations and modular system design. Ensured collaborative code maintenance and version control using Git. Demonstrated expertise in continuous integration and deployment processes with Jenkins. Employed Docker for containerization to enhance development and deployment workflows. Focused on enhancing security protocols and data privacy measures in all backend processes.

  • Software Developer
    11/2/2018 - 7/2/2019

    Sure, here is a tailored job description format:

    Developed advanced skills in Python, Java, and C++. Extensive experience with web frameworks such as Django and Flask, alongside proficiency with front-end technologies including React.js and Angular. Demonstrated strong command of database management systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Utilized CI/CD pipelines and containerization tools such as Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes for effective software deployment. Specialized in cloud services provided by AWS and Azure, focusing on scalable architectures. Implemented Agile methodologies and Scrum practices to streamline project management and delivery. Enhanced code quality through rigorous testing strategies, leveraging tools such as PyTest, JUnit, and Selenium. Employed Git and Bitbucket for version control, ensuring seamless collaboration and code integration.

  • Software Developer
    11/2/2016 - 11/2/2018

    During the tenure as a software engineer, significant accomplishments were achieved and key technical skills were developed. Proficient in JavaScript frameworks including React.js and Angular. Extensive experience in backend development utilizing Node.js and Express.js. Skilled in database management with MongoDB and MySQL, optimizing complex queries and ensuring data integrity. Implemented RESTful APIs and integrated third-party services, enhancing overall system functionality and user experience. Leveraged Docker for containerization and Kubernetes for orchestration, ensuring seamless deployment and scalability of microservices. Utilized CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitLab CI to streamline code integration and deployment processes. Applied Agile methodologies and participated in Scrum ceremonies, contributing to iterative development and continuous improvement.

    Proficiently maintained version control using Git, collaborating efficiently with cross-functional teams. Conducted code reviews, ensuring adherence to best practices and code quality standards. Developed and maintained comprehensive unit and integration tests with Jest and Mocha, which led to increased system reliability and reduced bugs. Hands-on experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, including EC2, S3, and Lambda, optimizing resource utilization and cost management. Implemented various security measures, such as JWT for authentication and authorization, ensuring secure data transactions and compliance with industry standards.

    In addition, enhanced front-end performance through the use of modern JavaScript ES6 features, leading to improved user interactions and application responsiveness. Regularly engaged in professional development through tech meetups and workshops, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and best practices. These efforts collectively contributed to delivering robust, efficient, and scalable software solutions in diverse project environments.

  • Computer Science at Federal University of Santa Catarina
    2012 - 2019

Davi is available for hire

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