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Igor C.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Ruby On Rails
Amazon Aws

Possessing a robust background in computer science since 1998, this professional exhibits substantial expertise in various programming languages and frameworks, notably Delphi, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, and React Native. Proficient in managing a range of database management systems, including Firebird, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLServer, this individual demonstrates a strong capability in handling complex data environments. Mastery of agile methodologies is evident through experience with Kanban, Scrum, and Extreme Programming, coupled with a solid understanding of Test-Driven Development (TDD), IT Service Management (ITIL), Docker, and various AWS services such as EC2, RDB, and S3. With over two decades of experience as a systems analyst and programmer across both Windows and Linux platforms, there is a clear interest and focus on enhancing application scalability and infrastructure.

  • Software Developer
    9/1/2021 - 5/1/2023

    Developed extensive expertise in creating a cloud-based accounting system using Ruby on Rails for backend development, combined with React and Bootstrap for the frontend. Proficiently managed a PostgreSQL database to ensure efficient data handling and storage. Engineered a key feature to read data from XML files and convert it into JSON, ensuring seamless insertion into various accounting entities including NF-e, NFS, CT-e, and CTe OS. Skillfully handled accessory obligations such as PGDAS, Sped ICMS, Sped ECF, Defis, and DIRF. Implemented robust accounting functionalities for managing entries and exits of invoices, enhancing the overall efficiency of accounting processes.

  • Software Developer
    1/1/2021 - 6/1/2021

    Developed and implemented a robust system for managing scholarship applications, achieving significant improvements in application processing efficiency and user experience. Leveraged expertise in PHP, Laravel, and JavaScript to design and build an intuitive, user-friendly front-end interface integrated with a comprehensive back-end system. Utilized MySQL for database management, ensuring data integrity and security. Deployed the application on AWS, optimizing for scalability and reliability. Applied best practices in RESTful API design to facilitate seamless data exchange between the system components. Employed version control through Git for optimized collaborative development and continuous integration workflows. Conducted thorough testing using PHPUnit and Selenium, leading to a highly reliable system. Emphasized responsive design principles using Bootstrap, ensuring the application was accessible across various devices and platforms. The project culminated in a streamlined scholarship management solution that significantly reduced administrative overhead and enhanced the application experience for users.

  • Systems Analyst - Ruby on Rails Developer
    10/2/2014 - 4/2/2020

    Led the development of a comprehensive ERP system for the transportation industry, delivered as a web application featuring an intuitive dashboard. Engaged in full-stack development utilizing Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, and VueJS. Implemented asynchronous processing with Sidekiq and Redis, and integrated automatic email sending capabilities. Leveraged Tesseract for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionalities and employed a PostgreSQL database for robust data management. Established the infrastructure on Undercloud, a VPS set up independently, while utilizing AWS services including EC2, RDS (PostgreSQL), and S3 for scalable and reliable cloud solutions.

  • Systems Analyst
    2/2/2014 - 9/2/2014

    Directed the implementation of new features and performed ongoing maintenance for an ERP system tailored to wholesale and retail trade sectors. Gained technical expertise with Delphi for software development, utilized Firebird for database management, and integrated ACBr for handling various automation purposes within the ERP system.

  • Ruby on Rails Developer
    1/2/2012 - 2/2/2013

    Developed a financial system to manage clients and email accounts, leveraging Zimbra API for seamless integration. Utilized Ruby on Rails for robust backend development and PostgreSQL for efficient database management. Implemented Sidekiq for background job processing, ensuring optimal system performance and reliability.

  • Ruby on Rails Developer
    3/2/2009 - 2/2/2010

    Spearheaded the creation of the Dut-Eletronic App for the State of Ceará, demonstrating comprehensive full-stack development expertise. Utilized Ruby on Rails for back-end development and PostgreSQL for database management, ensuring robust and efficient data handling. Developed the user interface with a strong focus on usability and design, employing HTML and CSS to create a seamless and visually appealing experience. Engaged in prototyping to refine and enhance functionality and user interaction, thereby delivering a polished and effective application tailored to client needs.

  • Analysis and Development of Systems at Estácio University Center - Parangaba Campus
    2014 - 2021

Igor is available for hire

Meet Igor C.
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