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Luísa C.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Spring Boot

A seasoned software developer with five years of industry experience, specializing in technologies such as Vue, Nuxt, React, React Native, Django, Laravel, and Flask. Demonstrates proficiency in backend development, particularly with REST APIs, as well as in front-end integration. Primarily experienced in financial projects and actively seeking new professional opportunities.

  • Front-end Engineer
    2/1/2022 - Present

    Gained expertise in building and managing a service advertising platform characterized by various micro frontend projects. Acquired advanced knowledge in modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, focusing extensively on React.js, Angular, and Vue.js to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Leveraged Webpack and Babel for efficient module bundling and code transpilation, ensuring optimized application performance. Demonstrated proficiency in micro frontend architecture, facilitating the independent deployment and scaling of front-end components. Engaged in RESTful API development and integration, improving backend communication and data retrieval processes. Utilized containerization for development and deployment workflows using Docker. Enhanced version control practices and collaborative coding efforts through extensive use of Git and GitHub, ensuring codebase integrity and seamless developer collaboration. Implemented comprehensive unit and integration tests using Jest and Cypress, leading to increased application reliability and reduced production issues. Applied Agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban, to streamline project management, enhance team productivity, and ensure timely delivery of key features.

  • Software Engineer
    4/1/2021 - 12/1/2021

    Constructed an application for health brokers, focusing on managing operators, contracts, invoices, and plans. Developed two Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) using Vue, targeting both brokers and end customers. Utilized Spring for the backend, implemented entirely in microservices architecture, and created APIs for seamless integration across all front-end applications. Additional front-end applications were developed for managing logins and file storage, showcasing comprehensive expertise in PWA development, microservices, and API integration.

  • Mid-Level Developer
    11/1/2020 - 2/1/2021

    Developed proficiency in maintaining and enhancing a port cargo management system. Utilized Java for backend development and Angular for frontend interfaces. Handled database management and optimization using MySQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval. Demonstrated expertise in integrating third-party APIs for real-time tracking and logistics updates. Employed Docker for containerization to streamline the deployment process. Worked extensively with Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment, enhancing overall system reliability. Utilized Git for version control and collaborative code management. Focused on performance tuning and scalability to support increasing cargo volumes and user activities. Employed Agile methodologies to ensure timely and efficient feature delivery. Enhanced security protocols and data encryption practices to safeguard sensitive cargo data.

  • Mid-level Front-end Developer
    1/2/2020 - 4/1/2020

    Developed proficiency in full-stack web development, focusing on JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. Implemented back-end solutions using Node.js, Express, and Django, ensuring robust and scalable server-side functionality. Demonstrated expertise in database management with both SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB, Firebase) databases. Leveraged version control systems like Git and GitHub for collaborative development and efficient code maintenance. Utilized Docker for containerization, enhancing deployment efficiency and consistency across different environments. Applied Agile methodologies and participated actively in SCRUM practices to deliver iterative improvements and foster team collaboration. Employed automated testing frameworks such as Jest, Mocha, and Selenium to ensure code quality and reliability. Provided mentorship and technical guidance to junior developers, enhancing the overall team skill set and project outcomes.

  • Full-Stack Developer (Mid-Level)
    4/2/2019 - 1/2/2020

    Achieved expertise in PHP, Doctrine, and Silex through various development projects. Gained extensive experience working with Ext JS 4.2, NodeJS, and Vue.js, contributing to the creation of dynamic and responsive web applications. Demonstrated advanced skills in database management technologies such as PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Ensured the integrity and collaborative maintenance of codebases using SVN and Git, resulting in streamlined version control and efficient team collaboration.

  • Junior Full-Stack Developer
    4/2/2018 - 4/2/2019

    Developed an API and frontend for a cryptocurrency financial system. Gained proficiency in JavaScript and TypeScript, applying knowledge to create a robust and scalable backend using Node.js and Express.js. Utilized RESTful API principles to ensure efficient data exchange. Leveraged React.js for frontend development, implementing user-friendly interfaces and ensuring responsive design. Employed testing frameworks such as Jest and Mocha to write unit and integration tests for maintaining high-quality code. Utilized PostgreSQL for databases and incorporated Sequelize as an ORM for database interaction. Managed version control and collaborative development through Git and GitHub. Implemented authentication and authorization protocols using OAuth and JWT. Ensured application security by applying best practices and regular security audits. Integrated third-party cryptocurrency APIs for market data and transaction processing, enabling real-time updates and reliable financial transactions.

  • Intern
    10/2/2017 - 4/2/2018

    Achieved significant milestones in full-stack development for a comprehensive financial system. Developed proficiency in PHP, Laravel, and Symfony, utilizing these frameworks to construct robust back-end solutions. Extensive expertise gained in JavaScript, particularly with Angular and React, for building responsive and dynamic front-end interfaces. Demonstrated skills in managing and querying databases using PostgreSQL and MySQL, ensuring data integrity and performance optimization. Employed Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration, enhancing the deployment and scaling processes. Integrated RESTful APIs and GraphQL for seamless communication between the front-end and back-end systems. Ensured collaborative code maintenance and version control using Git and GitHub, enabling efficient teamwork and continuous integration. Focused on implementing secure coding practices and compliance with financial regulations.

  • Data Science at Estácio
    2022 - 2024

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