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Luiz R.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Docker Cloud

A software developer possessing a thorough skill set that includes frontend, mobile, web automation, and backend development. With a specialization in backend architecture, there is an emphasis on clean architecture and rigorous testing to ensure superior code quality. Self-educated from the age of 12, knowledge has been acquired through extensive study, including in-depth analysis of videos and comprehensive review of documentation across diverse technologies and programming languages. Commitment to independent learning is a defining characteristic, demonstrated by the significant effort dedicated to achieving proficiency.

  • Freelance Developer
    1/1/2020 - Present

    Developed proficiency in both backend and frontend development, with a strong focus on automation. Utilized MongoDB and MySQL databases to efficiently manage and organize data. Implemented and designed automation scripts to streamline and enhance workflow processes, ensuring higher productivity and reliability. Leveraged various programming languages and frameworks to build robust and scalable applications, ensuring seamless integration between the backend and frontend components. Emphasized code quality and performance optimization to deliver high-quality software solutions.

  • Freelance Developer
    1/1/2023 - Present

    Gained extensive experience as an Automation Developer, Backend, and Frontend Developer. Developed proficiency in automating processes using advanced tools and scripting languages. Demonstrated comprehensive skills in both backend and frontend development, ensuring seamless integration and performance optimization across various platforms. Worked extensively with MongoDB and MySQL databases, leveraging their robust features to design and manage complex data structures efficiently.

  • Developer
    10/1/2020 - Present

    Expertise in brand protection as a web automation developer. Developed advanced skills in web automation techniques and reverse engineering of web applications. Proficient in decoding and understanding complex web application structures to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. Utilized a range of programming languages and tools designed for web scraping, data extraction, and automated web navigation. Applied analytical skills to dissect and replicate application behaviors, ensuring robust brand protection solutions.

  • Engineering at Federal University of Uberlândia
    2020 - 2023

Luiz is available for hire

Meet Luiz R.
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