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Plínio J.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Apollo Graphql

A Fullstack JavaScript and Node developer with extensive experience exceeding seven years in web development and infrastructure, specializing in NodeJS, Vue JS, and Clean Architecture. Demonstrates expertise in creating complex applications, such as Realtime Chats using Ionic and Angular, GraphQL APIs for blogs and delivery services, and a Personal Finance Manager for educational platforms. Well-versed in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), functional programming, and the JavaScript ecosystem, with substantial proficiency in Vue, Vuex, Angular, Ionic, and both REST and GraphQL APIs. Currently engaged as a Backend Developer utilizing Node/NestJS, focusing on API development for credit lines based on receivables and integrating with systems using Python through AWS services like SQS, SNS, and Event Bridge. Skilled in Docker, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, and Jest for unit, integration, and end-to-end testing, alongside experience with CRM systems.

  • Frontend developer
    4/1/2021 - Present

    Developed expertise in frontend development for backoffice systems, core business applications, and various tools by implementing best practices in decoupled architectures. Consistently proposed and discussed improvements for developing scalable, testable, and maintenance-friendly software. Gained extensive knowledge in Clean Architecture and Design Patterns, including SOLID, YAGN, Factory, Repository, and Adapter patterns. Utilized JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) and TypeScript to enhance code quality and maintainability. Leveraged Vue 3 with the Composition API, Vue Router, and Vuelidate to build dynamic and robust user interfaces. Conducted rigorous unit testing using Jest and Vue Test Utils, as well as end-to-end testing with Cypress to ensure software reliability. Applied SCSS for styling, and maintained code quality and consistency using tools such as ESLint, Lint Staged, and Prettier. Managed complex builds and dependencies using Webpack, interfaced with REST and GraphQL APIs, and facilitated collaborative development through Git.

  • Frontend developer
    1/1/2020 - 4/1/2021

    Developed proficiency in JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) and TypeScript through the development of ecommerce platforms and dashboards. Extensive experience using Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, and Vuelidate, along with implementing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Conducted unit testing utilizing Jest and Vue Test Utils, and performed end-to-end testing with TestCafe and LambdaTest. Crafted responsive and mobile-first layouts using SCSS. Maintained high code quality with ESLint, Lint Staged, and Prettier, and optimized builds with Webpack. Enhanced project visibility and search engine rankings through SEO best practices. Integrated and interacted with REST APIs seamlessly. Ensured effective version control and collaborative development using Git.

  • Manager/Developer
    6/2/2014 - Present

    Developed and delivered courses focused on Fullstack Development utilizing JavaScript, Vue.js, React, Angular, Ionic, Node.js, GraphQL, REST, Firebase, and CSS (SASS). Conducted extensive Fullstack Development projects employing the same technologies. Led client interactions, requirements gathering, market research, and preparation of briefings. Created wireframes, mockups, and layouts. Executed front-end development using JavaScript, Angular, and Ionic, while managing back-end development with Node.js and PHP.

  • Administrative Assistant
    10/2/2010 - 11/2/2015

    Developed strong expertise in customer service management and stock control, ensuring optimal inventory levels and availability. Mastered budgeting processes to efficiently allocate resources and reduce operational costs. Gained proficiency in the issuance of invoices and bills, as well as in collections, to streamline financial transactions and enhance cash flow. Skilled in preparing accurate and competitive quotes for clients. Excelled in the creation and maintenance of various spreadsheets for internal procedure control, enhancing operational efficiency and data accuracy.

  • Information Systems at Integrated Colleges Libertas
    2013 - 2016

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