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Rodrigo J.
Data Engineer

Microsoft Sql Server
Oracle Database
  • Senior Systems Analyst - Developer
    6/1/2019 - 3/1/2021

    Played a pivotal role in the development of the PIX project, utilizing advanced technical expertise to enhance financial transactions. Developed proficiency in Java and Spring Boot for robust backend services. Leveraged Angular for dynamic, responsive front-end development, ensuring user-friendly interfaces. Demonstrated advanced skills in Apache Kafka for real-time data streaming and processing. Utilized PostgreSQL for efficient, reliable database management. Employed Docker for containerization, enabling seamless deployment and scalability. Ensured high-quality code and continuous integration using Jenkins. Conducted thorough unit and integration testing with JUnit and Mockito to ensure system reliability and performance. Implemented Agile methodologies to manage project timelines and deliverables effectively. Utilized Jira for tracking and managing project tasks, ensuring efficient workflow and team collaboration.

  • Senior Systems Analyst
    1/2/2018 - Present

    Developed proficiency in Groovy, Java, and Hibernate through extensive backend development. Acquired significant experience working with AngularJS, creating dynamic and responsive front-end applications. Demonstrated expertise in SQL Server, managing complex databases and executing intricate queries. Showcased skills in integrating various systems and maintaining code quality across different frameworks and languages. Successfully implemented and participated in collaborative code maintenance, ensuring smooth project progress and adhering to best practices in software development.

  • Software Engineer
    1/2/2017 - Present

    Contributed to the development of the National Transplant System (SNT) at Bahia Technology Park. This web application manages the registration and evolution of all actors involved in the transplant process. Developed proficiency in using JAVA, JPA-HIBERNATE, and PRIMEFACES frameworks, implementing best software development practices including DESIGN PATTERNS. Demonstrated skills in managing and maintaining the application with Oracle Database.

  • Senior Development Analyst
    1/2/2017 - Present

    Played a pivotal role in the systems development landscape in Salvador and Region, Brazil, showcasing expertise in a variety of technical domains. Developed proficiency in PHP and Silex, leveraging extensive knowledge of Doctrine for database management and Silex for microservices architectures. Excelled in front-end technologies through significant work on Ext JS 4.2 and Vue.js, enhancing user interfaces and client-side functionalities.

    Gained extensive experience in server-side development with NodeJS, ensuring smooth and efficient back-end processes. Demonstrated robust capabilities in database technologies, particularly PostgreSQL and MongoDB, optimizing data storage and retrieval mechanisms. Ensured code quality and collaborative project development using version control systems such as SVN and Git, contributing to cohesive and efficient team dynamics.

    Acquired advanced skills in the design, implementation, and maintenance of complex systems, underpinned by a comprehensive understanding of various frameworks and tools essential for modern software development.

  • Senior systems analyst
    1/2/2014 - Present

    Developed proficiency in software development for web using the JAVA platform and .NET. Gained extensive experience working with frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and ASP.NET, as well as with tools like Maven and Jenkins for continuous integration. Demonstrated skills in database management with both MySQL and SQL Server. Utilized front-end technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular to create responsive and user-friendly web interfaces. Ensured high-quality codebase through the use of version control systems like Git, and collaborated effectively within an Agile development environment. Additionally, implemented RESTful services and ensured adherence to best practices in software design patterns.

  • Systems Analyst / Development
    1/2/2013 - 1/1/2014

    Contributed to the SISCO Project, focused on the management of contracts for the State of Bahia. Developed a web application utilizing the JEE platform with extensive use of Hibernate for data persistence and PostgreSQL for database management. Applied Spring Framework for dependency injection and efficient application configuration. Implemented automated deployment processes using Maven. Designed and developed the presentation layer using JSF 2.0 integrated with Primefaces for dynamic user interface components.

  • Systems Analyst/Developer
    1/2/2009 - 1/1/2013

    Developed web applications utilizing JEE, implementing robust back-end functionalities and ensuring seamless integration with various systems. Applied UML for software design and modeling, providing clear documentation and improving development processes. Gained expertise in Hibernate for efficient database management and manipulation, paired with extensive use of SQL Server for data storage solutions. Enhanced user interfaces through the use of JSF, delivering responsive and user-friendly web applications. Additionally, ventured into mobile application development with Android, expanding the range of technical skills and contributing to the creation of versatile and comprehensive software solutions.

  • Web Distributed Systems at Ruy Barbosa College
    2013 - 2014

Rodrigo is available for hire

Meet Rodrigo J.
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