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Thiago B.
Back-end and Systems Engineer

JPA (Java Persistence API)
Spring Boot
Docker Cloud

Java Developer

Possesses expertise in Java Enterprise Edition, covering technologies such as JPA/Hibernate, JSF, and the Spring Framework including Spring Boot. Demonstrates proficiency in Content Management Systems, with experience in Joomla, WordPress, and Liferay. Well-versed in JavaScript frameworks and libraries including jQuery, Alloy UI, AngularJS, and Angular 4. Competent in front-end development using HTML and CSS. Skilled in managing various Database Management Systems such as MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and DB2.

  • Senior Java Developer
    11/1/2022 - Present

    Developed and maintained microservices and system screens, focusing on the technological evolution of core registration systems within the context of an agile squad. Acquired proficiency in Java versions 8 and 11, as well as Angular 8, and demonstrated extensive experience with Spring Boot framework in managing the lifecycle and deployment of microservices.

  • Senior Java Developer
    2/1/2022 - 3/1/2023

    Developed advanced proficiency in maintaining and evolving Java systems for Odontoprev and Lello. Successfully implemented Odontoprev's profile management API, demonstrating expertise in JDBC, Spring Boot, and JPA/Hibernate. Applied JSF/Primefaces for front-end development and utilized Spring Batch for batch processing tasks. Leveraged Azure for cloud-based solutions and services, ensuring robust and scalable system performance.

  • Senior Java Developer
    9/1/2021 - 11/1/2022

    Worked on the maintenance and evolution of logistics team Java systems. Developed proficiency in JDBC, Spring Boot, and JPA/Hibernate. Utilized Angular 7 for front-end development and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) for cloud deployment. Demonstrated expertise in handling batch processing tasks using Spring Batch.

  • Senior Java Developer
    4/1/2021 - 10/1/2021

    Developed expertise in maintaining and enhancing internal systems for regulatory compliance at a national health authority. Advanced proficiency in database management including PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server was achieved. Utilized programming languages such as Java and Python for backend development, while employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for user interface improvements. Implemented system integrations and automated workflows using RESTful APIs and web services. Enhanced data security and access controls adhering to regulatory standards. Demonstrated effective use of version control systems like Git for collaborative development and deployment. Regularly performed system audits and optimizations, significantly reducing downtime and improving system reliability. Utilized tools such as JIRA for issue tracking and project management, ensuring timely resolution of technical issues.

  • Senior Java Developer
    9/2/2020 - 4/1/2021

    Developed proficiency in Java and Spring Framework while maintaining internal systems. Utilized Angular and TypeScript for front-end development. Demonstrated skills in PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Ensured seamless code integration and collaborative maintenance using Git and Jira. Implemented and maintained RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between various system components. Showcased expertise in Docker for containerization, enhancing deployment processes. Employed Jenkins for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring efficient and error-free software updates. Applied agile methodologies to streamline workflows and improve project management.

  • Systems Analyst
    5/2/2020 - 9/2/2020

    Engaged in full-stack development for a new card suite, utilizing an agile methodology (Scrum) to streamline processes and enhance team collaboration. Applied principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to ensure robust and maintainable code. Demonstrated technical proficiency in Java 8, Quarkus, and Angular 9 for back-end and front-end development. Utilized Jasmine and Protractor for front-end testing, and JUnit for back-end testing to maintain high code quality. Leveraged the Nebular library for UI components, incorporated Docker for containerization, and employed JPA/Hibernate for object-relational mapping and database interactions.

  • Systems Analyst
    7/2/2019 - 3/2/2020

    Handled the maintenance of internal systems for prominent institutions including STF, CNPq, and the Federal Senate. Achieved proficiency in Java, utilizing Docker for containerization and microservices. Developed and maintained applications using Spring Boot and AngularJS, ensuring robust front-end and back-end integration. Conducted rigorous unit testing and ensured application quality with frameworks such as Jasmine, Protractor, and JUnit. Managed complex workflows with Struts and jBPM 3.X, and ensured efficient database interactions with Hibernate.

  • IT Analyst II
    7/2/2018 - 5/2/2019

    Provided support for mobile systems and Platform 2.0/3.0 for Brazil CAP Modules. Achieved recognition as the winner of the first Hackathon at Coopersystem. Played a pivotal role in the adoption of Design Sprint for the validation of new projects. Developed technical expertise in JavaEE, JSF (Primefaces), Spring Framework (Spring IOC), JBoss Seam, AngularJS 1.X, and integrated proprietary bank APIs. Ensured effective version control using Git and adhered to SCRUM methodologies for project management.

  • Developer Analyst
    1/2/2017 - 1/2/2018

    Developed proficiency in JPA/Hibernate and EJB, specializing in building robust Java applications. Utilized JSF with Primefaces to create dynamic user interfaces for seamless user experiences. Extensively worked with the Spring Framework, incorporating Spring Boot, REST Controller, and Spring Batch, to design and implement scalable and efficient backend solutions. Leveraged Quartz for job scheduling and Maven for project management and build automation. Employed Swagger for API documentation, ensuring clear and maintainable API interfaces. Created reports and data visualizations using JasperReports. On the frontend, advanced skills in AngularJS 1.X were applied to develop responsive and interactive web applications. Managed source code versioning and collaborative development using SVN, ensuring code integrity and streamlined collaboration.

  • Java Developer Analyst
    1/2/2016 - 1/2/2017

    Provided support and maintenance for Federal Police Java web systems, developing extensive Java proficiency. Utilized technologies such as JPA/Hibernate, JSF 1.2/2 with Richfaces and Primefaces, the Spring Framework, and JBoss Seam. Managed web application frameworks including Struts and implemented services with JAX-RS, EJB, and CDI. Built and deployed applications using Maven and Apache Ant, and generated complex reports with JasperReports. Operated on various application servers, including Tomcat 5, JBoss 4.2/5.1, and Wildfly 10. Ensured collaborative development and version control through SVN and Git.

  • Java Systems Analyst
    1/2/2014 - 1/2/2016

    Focused on maintenance and creation/customization of Portlets and Hooks for an Intranet Portal. Developed proficiency in using Liferay 6.1 / 6.2, applying the Spring Framework, and leveraging JPA/Hibernate. Demonstrated expertise in front-end technologies such as JQuery/Alloy UI and HTML/CSS. Gained experience working with Websphere Application Servers to ensure optimal performance and reliability of portal functionalities.

  • Java Programmer
    1/2/2014 - 10/1/2014

    Implemented and supported internal systems, ensuring functionality and reliability across the organization. Conducted maintenance and implementation of portlets and themes for the company portal, enhancing user experience and system efficiency. Developed proficiency with JPA/Hibernate for persistent data management and utilized JSF and Tomcat for robust, scalable web applications. Leveraged expertise in Liferay 6.1 and 6.2 to customize and extend the portal’s capabilities, adhering to best practices and industry standards.

  • Java Developer
    9/1/2012 - 1/2/2014

    Engaged in implementation and support of Java systems for public agencies and various company clients. Gained technical expertise in JPA/Hibernate, JSF, and Spring Framework. Utilized Maven for project management and build automation, and worked extensively with the Demoiselle Framework. Deployed and managed applications using Tomcat and JBoss server environments.

  • Information Technology at University of Belgrade
    2012 - 2015

  • Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer at Oracle

Thiago is available for hire

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