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Database Technologies Software and Tools

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Database Technologies

Database technologies are essential components in the management and storage of data for applications and systems across various industries. These technologies provide structured environments where data can be stored, queried, and manipulated efficiently, supporting everything from small mobile applications to large enterprise systems. Database management systems (DBMS) come in various forms, including relational databases (like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle) that store data in tables and support complex querying with SQL, NoSQL databases (such as MongoDB and Cassandra) that offer more flexible data models for handling unstructured data, and newer time-series databases designed for handling large volumes of temporal data. Additionally, advancements in cloud computing have led to the development of cloud-based database services like Amazon RDS and Google Cloud SQL, which provide scalable, reliable, and managed database solutions. Overall, database technologies are crucial for data integrity, security, and performance, serving as the backbone for data-driven decision making and application functionality.


Actian X

Actian X is a hybrid database management system that combines an Ingres transactional database with Actian’s Vector analytic database engine. It supports both OLTP and OLAP workloads, enabling real-time analytics on live transactional data, and is designed for high performance, scalability, and reliability in enterprise environments.


Aerospike is a high-performance NoSQL database designed for real-time, mission-critical applications. It provides low-latency access to large-scale data with strong consistency and high availability, making it suitable for use cases such as fraud detection, recommendation engines, and real-time analytics.

Alibaba Cloud Tablestore

Alibaba Cloud Tablestore is a fully managed, scalable NoSQL database service designed to handle large volumes of structured data. It supports various data models, including wide tables, time series, and JSON documents, providing high availability, low latency, and automatic scaling for applications such as IoT, gaming, and real-time analytics.

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database engine designed for high performance and availability. It is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, offering scalability, durability, and security for enterprise applications. Aurora automates tasks like hardware provisioning, patching, backups, and recovery, allowing users to focus on application development.

Amazon Documentdb

Amazon DocumentDB is a managed NoSQL database service designed to be compatible with MongoDB. It allows for the storage, querying, and indexing of JSON data, providing scalability, high availability, and performance for document-based applications.

Amazon Dynamodb

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It allows developers to offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling distributed databases, ensuring high availability and reliability.

Amazon Neptune

Amazon Neptune is a fully managed graph database service optimized for storing and querying highly connected data. It supports both the Property Graph model and RDF, enabling efficient execution of graph queries using Apache TinkerPop Gremlin and SPARQL, respectively. Neptune is designed for applications such as social networking, recommendation engines, fraud detection, and knowledge graphs.

Amazon Qldb

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) is a fully managed ledger database that provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log. It allows users to track and verify the history of changes to their application data, ensuring data integrity and accountability.

Amazon Rds

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is a managed service that simplifies the setup, operation, and scaling of relational databases in the cloud. It automates administrative tasks like hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups, allowing users to focus on application development.

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that allows for scalable and cost-effective storage and analysis of large datasets. It enables users to perform complex queries and analytics on structured data using SQL-based tools and business intelligence applications.

Apache Derby

Apache Derby is an open-source, lightweight, relational database management system (RDBMS) implemented in Java. It provides an embedded database engine that can be included in Java applications for managing data with SQL support.

Apache Geode

Apache Geode is an in-memory data management system that provides distributed, real-time, and consistent data access. It offers high availability, scalability, and low-latency data access for applications by distributing data across multiple nodes in a cluster.

Apache Ignite

Apache Ignite is an in-memory computing platform that provides high-performance, distributed data storage and processing. It supports ACID transactions, SQL queries, and real-time analytics, enabling applications to achieve low-latency access to large datasets by leveraging RAM and distributed architecture.


ArangoDB is a multi-model database that supports graph, document, and key/value data models, allowing developers to work with different types of data using a single query language called AQL (ArangoDB Query Language). It is designed for high performance and scalability, offering features like ACID transactions, a flexible schema, and native support for distributed systems.


Berkeley Db

Berkeley DB is an embedded database library that provides developers with a high-performance, scalable, and transactional data management solution. It supports multiple data models, including key/value pairs, and offers ACID-compliant transactions, making it suitable for applications requiring reliable and efficient data storage without the overhead of a full-fledged database management system.


BigchainDB is a scalable blockchain database that combines the decentralized and immutable features of blockchain technology with the high throughput and low latency of traditional databases. It enables developers to deploy blockchain applications with capabilities such as asset management, digital identity, and decentralized applications while ensuring data integrity and tamper-resistance.



Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed NoSQL database designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers without a single point of failure, providing high availability and fault tolerance.


Citus is an open-source extension to PostgreSQL that transforms it into a distributed database, enabling horizontal scaling and parallel processing of SQL queries across multiple nodes. It is designed to handle large volumes of data and high-throughput workloads by distributing data and queries efficiently.


Clickhouse is a columnar database management system designed for online analytical processing (OLAP). It enables real-time data analytics and high-speed query performance on large datasets.


Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for managing Linux servers, providing an intuitive dashboard to monitor system performance, manage storage, configure network settings, and perform administrative tasks. It simplifies server administration by allowing users to perform various tasks through a web browser without needing extensive command-line knowledge.


CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database designed for cloud-native applications, offering horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and resilience to failures. It uses a shared-nothing architecture to distribute data across multiple nodes, ensuring high availability and automatic failover.

Cosmos Db

Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service provided by Microsoft Azure. It offers turnkey global distribution, elastic scalability of throughput and storage, and comprehensive SLAs. Cosmos DB supports multiple data models including document, key-value, graph, and column-family, allowing for flexible and efficient data management across various use cases.


Couchbase is a NoSQL database that combines the capabilities of a key-value store and a document-oriented database. It provides high performance, scalability, and flexibility for managing large volumes of data with low latency. Couchbase supports distributed architecture, enabling seamless data replication and scaling across multiple nodes.


CouchDB is a NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data, JavaScript for MapReduce queries, and HTTP for its API. It provides a scalable, fault-tolerant database solution with a distributed architecture, enabling efficient data replication and synchronization across multiple devices and locations.

Couchdb Mobile

Couchdb Mobile is a version of Apache CouchDB designed for mobile devices, enabling offline-first data storage and synchronization. It allows applications to store data locally on mobile devices and synchronize with a CouchDB server when an internet connection is available, ensuring data availability and consistency across multiple devices.


CrateDB is a distributed SQL database designed for handling large-scale data operations and real-time analytics. It combines the ease of SQL with the scalability of NoSQL, allowing for efficient querying and storage of structured and unstructured data across multiple nodes.



Datastax is a data management company that provides a distributed cloud database built on Apache Cassandra. It offers scalable, high-performance data storage and management solutions, enabling enterprises to handle large volumes of data across multiple locations and ensure high availability and fault tolerance.


Druid is a high-performance, real-time analytics database designed for fast slice-and-dice queries on large datasets. It excels at ingesting event streams and providing low-latency query responses, making it ideal for interactive data applications and real-time dashboards.


DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS that offers fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It allows users to offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling distributed databases, providing high availability and durability for applications.


Edb Postgres Advanced Server

Edb Postgres Advanced Server is an enterprise-class database management system built on PostgreSQL, offering enhanced performance, security, and compatibility features for mission-critical applications. It provides advanced tools for database administration, migration from Oracle databases, and integration with enterprise systems.


Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of addressing a growing number of use cases, including log and event data analysis, full-text search, and real-time data exploration. It allows for the storage, search, and analysis of large volumes of data quickly and in near real-time.

Event Store

Event Store is a database optimized for event sourcing, storing events as the primary data structure. It allows applications to persist and query event streams, providing a reliable way to capture changes in state over time.



FaunaDB is a distributed, serverless database that provides strong consistency, global distribution, and native support for GraphQL and FQL queries. It is designed to deliver low-latency data access and supports ACID transactions, making it suitable for modern applications requiring real-time data processing and scalability.


FileMaker is a cross-platform relational database application from Claris International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It allows users to create custom apps to manage and share data across various devices, offering tools for database management, automation, and integration with other systems.

Firebase Realtime Database

Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows developers to store and sync data between users in real-time. It provides a flexible, scalable solution for building applications that require live updates and offline capabilities.


FoundationDB is a distributed database designed to handle large-scale data workloads with high performance and reliability. It provides a multi-model data store that allows developers to use different data models, such as key-value, document, and graph, while maintaining strong ACID transactions across all operations.


Galera Cluster

Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master database cluster for MySQL and MariaDB, providing high availability and scalability by allowing multiple nodes to process transactions simultaneously while maintaining data consistency across all nodes.


Gemfire is an in-memory data grid that provides real-time, consistent access to data spread across multiple servers. It supports high-speed transactions, distributed caching, and scalable data management for applications requiring low latency and high throughput.

Google Bigtable

Google Bigtable is a fully-managed, scalable NoSQL database service designed for large analytical and operational workloads, providing low-latency access to vast amounts of structured data. It is ideal for applications requiring high throughput and reliability, such as real-time analytics, time-series data, and IoT data storage.

Google Cloud Datastore

Google Cloud Datastore is a fully managed, NoSQL database service designed to handle large amounts of structured data. It offers automatic scaling, high availability, and a flexible schema, making it suitable for web and mobile applications.

Google Cloud Firestore

Google Cloud Firestore is a scalable, fully-managed NoSQL document database for building web, mobile, and server applications. It offers real-time data synchronization, offline support, and seamless integration with other Google Cloud services.

Google Cloud Spanner

Google Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, scalable, globally distributed, and strongly consistent database service designed for mission-critical applications. It combines the benefits of relational database structure with non-relational horizontal scalability, providing high availability and ACID transactions.

Google Firebase

Google Firebase is a comprehensive app development platform that provides tools and infrastructure to help developers build, improve, and grow their applications. It offers services such as real-time databases, authentication, analytics, cloud storage, and hosting, enabling seamless backend integration and streamlined app development processes.

Google Firebase Firestore

Google Firebase Firestore is a NoSQL, document-oriented database that allows for real-time data synchronization and storage. It supports scalable, flexible data structures and provides robust querying capabilities, enabling developers to build serverless applications with ease.

Grafana Loki

Grafana Loki is a log aggregation system designed to efficiently collect, store, and query logs. It is optimized for use with Grafana, providing a way to visualize logs alongside metrics and traces. Loki uses labels for indexing logs, making it scalable and cost-effective compared to traditional log management systems.


Greenplum is an open-source, massively parallel processing (MPP) data platform designed for large-scale data warehousing and analytics. It distributes data and query workloads across multiple segment servers to enable high-performance processing of large datasets.



HarperDB is a distributed database platform designed to simplify data management by combining SQL and NoSQL capabilities. It offers real-time data distribution, scalability, and ease of use for both structured and unstructured data, supporting various applications from edge computing to cloud environments.


HBase is a distributed, scalable, NoSQL database built on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It provides real-time read/write access to large datasets and is designed to handle billions of rows and millions of columns efficiently.

Heroku Postgres

Heroku Postgres is a cloud-based managed database service provided by Heroku. It offers PostgreSQL databases that are scalable, reliable, and easy to manage, allowing developers to focus on building applications without worrying about database maintenance tasks.


Hypertable is an open-source, high-performance, distributed database system designed to handle large-scale data across many servers. It provides efficient storage and retrieval of structured data, making it suitable for applications requiring massive scalability and real-time data processing.


Ibm Cloudant

IBM Cloudant is a fully managed NoSQL database service designed for handling large-scale, distributed data. It provides high availability, scalability, and a flexible schema to support web and mobile applications. Cloudant is based on Apache CouchDB and offers integrated data replication, synchronization, and offline capabilities.

Ibm Db2

IBM Db2 is a relational database management system that provides a robust platform for efficiently managing and analyzing structured data. It supports SQL and is designed to handle large volumes of transactions, offering high performance, scalability, and advanced data security features.

Ibm Informix

IBM Informix is a high-performance, scalable database management system designed for data-intensive applications, supporting SQL, NoSQL, and JSON/BSON data models. It provides robust data management capabilities, real-time analytics, and seamless integration with IoT and big data environments.


InfluxDB is a time-series database designed to handle high write and query loads. It efficiently stores and retrieves time-stamped data, making it ideal for applications involving monitoring, analytics, and real-time metrics.


Informix is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by IBM, designed for high performance and scalability. It supports SQL and NoSQL data models, providing capabilities for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), data warehousing, and IoT applications. Informix offers features such as time series data management, spatial data handling, and high availability through replication and clustering.

Intersystems Caché

Intersystems Caché is a high-performance database management system that supports multi-model data, including relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional structures. It offers advanced data management capabilities, real-time analytics, and rapid application development tools, making it suitable for complex, data-intensive applications in various industries.



MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that originated as a fork of MySQL. It supports data storage, retrieval, and management using SQL and is designed to provide high performance, scalability, and robust security features.


MarkLogic is a multi-model NoSQL database designed for handling large volumes of complex data. It integrates, stores, manages, and searches structured and unstructured data with advanced indexing and search capabilities.


MaxDB is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by SAP, designed to handle large-scale enterprise applications. It provides robust data storage, retrieval, and management capabilities, supporting SQL for querying and managing data efficiently.


Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system designed to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. It stores data objects in memory, reducing the need for repeated database queries and improving response times.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It allows users to create and manage databases, build forms for data entry, run queries to retrieve data, and generate reports.

Microsoft Azure Cosmos Db

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service designed for high availability, low latency, and scalability. It supports various data models such as document, key-value, graph, and column-family, and offers comprehensive SLAs for throughput, latency, availability, and consistency.

Microsoft Azure Sql Database

Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a fully managed relational database service built on Microsoft's SQL Server engine, providing high availability, scalability, and security for cloud-based applications. It allows users to store and manage data, perform complex queries, and integrate seamlessly with other Azure services.

Microsoft Sql Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft, designed to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications. It provides tools for data storage, retrieval, management, and analysis, supporting various transaction processing, business intelligence, and analytics applications.


MonetDB is an open-source columnar database management system designed for high-performance analytics and data warehousing. It leverages a column-store architecture, vectorized processing, and advanced query optimization techniques to deliver fast query execution on large datasets.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database designed for scalability and flexibility. It stores data in JSON-like documents, allowing for dynamic schemas and complex queries. MongoDB is used for high-performance, high-availability applications that require efficient handling of large volumes of diverse data.


MSSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server, is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It stores and retrieves data requested by other software applications, whether on the same computer or across a network. It supports a wide range of transaction processing, business intelligence, and analytics applications in corporate IT environments.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for accessing, adding, and managing data stored in a database. It is widely used for web applications and online data storage due to its reliability, scalability, and ease of use.



Neo4j is a graph database management system that uses graph structures with nodes, edges, and properties to represent and store data. It enables efficient querying and analysis of complex relationships within large datasets.


NuoDB is a distributed SQL database designed for cloud-native applications, providing scalability, continuous availability, and transactional consistency. It enables organizations to deploy databases across multiple environments while maintaining ACID compliance and ensuring high performance and reliability.



ObjectDB is an object-oriented database management system (ODBMS) designed for Java applications. It stores data as objects, allowing seamless integration with Java code and eliminating the need for object-relational mapping (ORM). ObjectDB supports JPA and JDO APIs, enabling efficient persistence and retrieval of complex data structures.


Objectstore is an object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) designed to store and manage complex data as objects, rather than traditional table-based structures. It allows developers to work with data in a way that mirrors their application's object model, providing efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of objects within a database environment.

Oracle Database

Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system produced by Oracle Corporation. It is designed for enterprise grid computing and provides robust data storage, retrieval, and management capabilities. It supports SQL for querying and managing data, PL/SQL for procedural logic, and various other features like high availability, scalability, security, and performance optimization.

Oracle Dbms

Oracle DBMS is a relational database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. It is designed to store, retrieve, and manage large amounts of data efficiently. The system supports SQL for querying and manipulating data, provides tools for database administration, ensures data integrity and security, and supports transaction management for reliable data processing.


OrientDB is a multi-model database management system that supports graph, document, key-value, and object-oriented models. It enables efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data by integrating multiple data models into a single database engine.


Percona Server Mongodb

Percona Server for MongoDB is a free, enhanced, and fully compatible open-source drop-in replacement for MongoDB Community Edition, providing enterprise-grade features such as advanced security, performance optimization, and scalability improvements.

Percona Server Mysql

Percona Server MySQL is an enhanced, open-source version of MySQL designed for performance, reliability, and scalability. It offers advanced features such as improved diagnostics, better performance tuning, and additional storage engine options, making it suitable for large-scale applications and critical business environments.


PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports SQL for relational and JSON for non-relational querying. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single-machine applications to large internet-facing applications with many concurrent users.


PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database designed to run within web browsers, enabling applications to store data locally and synchronize it with CouchDB or compatible servers. It supports offline functionality and provides a simple API for developers to manage and query data.



RavenDB is a NoSQL document database designed for high performance, scalability, and ease of use. It stores data in JSON format, supports ACID transactions, and provides features like automatic indexing, full-text search, and real-time replication.


Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis provides high performance, replication, and persistence capabilities for real-time applications.


RethinkDB is an open-source, distributed NoSQL database designed for real-time web applications, enabling developers to build scalable and flexible systems by pushing updated query results to applications in real-time.


RocksDB is a high-performance, embedded key-value store developed by Facebook, optimized for fast storage environments like flash drives and RAM. It provides efficient data retrieval and management through features like column families, transactions, and various compression options.


Sap Adaptive Server Enterprise

SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) is a high-performance relational database management system designed for mission-critical, data-intensive environments. It provides robust data management, transaction processing, and analytics capabilities, ensuring reliability, scalability, and security for enterprise applications.

Sap Hana

SAP HANA is an in-memory database and application development platform designed by SAP to handle high transaction rates and complex query processing. It integrates database, data processing, and application platform capabilities in-memory to speed up data access and analytics, making it suitable for both transactional and analytical workloads.

Sap Iq

SAP IQ is a columnar database management system designed for analytics and data warehousing. It provides high-speed data retrieval and storage efficiency, enabling organizations to perform complex queries and analysis on large datasets quickly.


ScyllaDB is a high-performance, low-latency NoSQL database designed for large-scale data applications. It offers compatibility with Apache Cassandra but provides significantly better performance by leveraging a shared-nothing architecture and asynchronous I/O. ScyllaDB is optimized for modern hardware, including multi-core processors and large memory, ensuring efficient resource utilization and high throughput.


Sequoiadb is a distributed, document-oriented NoSQL database designed to handle large-scale data storage and real-time processing. It supports JSON-like documents, offers high availability, and provides horizontal scalability through sharding.


SingleStore is a distributed SQL database designed for real-time analytics and operational workloads. It combines the capabilities of traditional relational databases with the scalability of NoSQL systems, enabling high-performance data processing and storage across multiple nodes.


SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It is embedded into applications to provide local data storage with minimal setup and overhead.


SQLite3 is a lightweight, serverless, self-contained SQL database engine. It is used for local storage in applications, providing a reliable database solution that operates without needing a separate server process.


Sybase is a relational database management system (RDBMS) designed to store, manage, and retrieve data efficiently. It supports transaction processing, high availability, and scalability for enterprise-level applications.



Tarantool is an in-memory computing platform that combines a database and a cache, designed for high-performance and low-latency data storage and retrieval. It provides a NoSQL database with Lua scripting capabilities, supports ACID transactions, and is optimized for handling large volumes of data in real-time applications.


Teradata is a relational database management system (RDBMS) designed for large-scale data warehousing applications, capable of handling massive volumes of data and complex queries efficiently. It offers parallel processing, scalability, and high performance for data analytics and business intelligence tasks.


Tibero is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by TmaxSoft. It offers high compatibility with Oracle databases, providing features such as SQL support, PL/SQL compatibility, and advanced data security. Tibero is designed for high performance, scalability, and reliability in enterprise environments.


TiDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads. It offers MySQL compatibility, horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability, making it suitable for large-scale data applications.


TimesTen is an in-memory relational database designed for real-time applications, providing fast response times and high throughput by storing data in memory rather than on disk. It supports SQL queries, transactions, and can be used as a cache or standalone database.



VoltDB is an in-memory, distributed SQL database designed for high-throughput transaction processing and real-time analytics. It ensures ACID compliance and horizontal scalability, making it suitable for applications requiring fast data ingestion and immediate query results.


Yugabyte Db

YugabyteDB is an open-source, high-performance distributed SQL database designed for cloud-native applications. It combines the scalability of NoSQL databases with the ACID transactions and SQL query capabilities of traditional relational databases, providing horizontal scalability, resilience, and multi-region deployment support.


YugabyteDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database designed for high performance, scalability, and resilience. It supports both SQL and NoSQL workloads, offering features such as ACID transactions, multi-region deployment, and linear scalability.


Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is a low-code application development platform that enables users to build custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. It allows for the creation of web and mobile apps, automates workflows, and integrates seamlessly with other Zoho products and third-party services.