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Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that assigns a unique code point to each character, symbol, or punctuation mark across different languages and scripts, enabling consistent text representation and processing across various platforms and systems.

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About Unicode

Unicode was created in 1991 by the Unicode Consortium to address the limitations of previous character encoding systems, which were often incompatible and limited in scope. It aimed to provide a comprehensive and consistent encoding standard for all characters used in written languages worldwide.

Strengths of Unicode include its comprehensive coverage of global scripts, consistent encoding, and widespread adoption. Weaknesses involve its complexity and larger storage requirements compared to older encoding systems. Competitors include legacy encodings like ASCII, ISO-8859 series, and various national standards.

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How to hire a Unicode expert

A Unicode expert must have skills in character encoding, text processing, and familiarity with Unicode standards. They should be proficient in programming languages that handle Unicode, such as Python or Java, and have experience with internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n). Knowledge of regular expressions and text normalization techniques is also essential.

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